Energías libres II. Dossier detallado sobre todos los desarrollos existentes. Estudios científicos desde 1880 a 2009.

I. Abstract.

Tras un denso trabajo de recopilación científica y síntesis, hemos decidido, publicar el presente estudio sobre la base de exponer detalladamente toda la información científica y tecnológica disponible en este momento.

Toda la línea expuesta, analiza más de 120 patentes de TESLA, así como la energía del punto «0», la lógica de radiofrecuencia diferencial y finalmente los principios científicos  de la generación cuántica de energía electromagnética, o plasma electromagnético.

Dado el gran volúmen de datos, documentación científica analizada y estudios complementarios, bibliografía, etc…podemos afirmar, que estamos en condiciones de producir dispositivos de energía libre viablles y eficientes, que en este momento, están siendo desarrollados por diferentes equipos distribuídos a lo largo de toda la geografía mundial.

II.-Exposición detallada.

1.-La base lógica de la energía libre: Electromagnetismo y Radiofrecuencia.

Recientemente,expusimos el marco de la unificación de la física cuántica diferencial. En dicha exposición, señalábamos que:

La unificación nos ayudará a resolver el fenómeno de la superconductividad a altas energías. La clave reside en la interacción deenergías (electromagnetismo, interacciones débiles e interacciones fuertes). Dr.Rafael López-Guerrero, I.R.C.A.I,

Respecto a la radiofrecuencia, sabemos que existe una lógica que interelaciona, paquetes de datos en frecuencias, resonancias y armónicos, y que ésta a su vez, interactúa con los impulsos electromagnéticos.

En el Universo, la energía se transmite mediante paquetes de datos. Esa transmisión  implica en sí misma, una lógica inteligente.

Lógica de frecuencias y electromagnetismo.

Todos los paquetes de datos, contienen una estructura idéntica coherente con laforma helicoidal: Frecuencias , resonancias y armónicos que interactúan con las fuerzas expuestas en el diagrama de unificación de la física.

De hecho, no es casualidad que la extrapolación teórica muestra que las tres fuerzas del modelo estándar (la interacción fuerte y las unificadas débil y electromagnética) tienen más o menos la misma intensidad a energías muy altas, y que la coincidencia mejora añadiendo la supersimetría. Ello, demuestra :

1º.-Que los principios de Tesla, son correctos: Tesla estaba en lo cierto: Las energías libres, implican que el universo está en equilibrio.

2º.-Que toda radiofrecuencia puede trnsformarse en electromagnetismo, y éste en aquella de forma simple y lógica.

3º.-Que la energía del punto «0» no es otra cosa que la transformación de paquetes de datos en energía y viceversa.

4º.-Que podemos ineractuar en el proceso conociendo las leyes básicas de las tres interacciones, por lo que la supersimetría implica que el espacio-tiempo es relativo a la escala de curvatura de frecuencias de König-Guerrero.

5º-Por tanto, la lógica de parámetros de datos de lainteracción entre rdiofrecuencia y energía de interacción, sigue los mismos patrones de la lógica del equilibrio de fuerzas del universo.

2.-Patrones de replicación cuántica.

 Una de las consecuencias de lo anteriormente expuesto, es la capacidad de replicación cuántica de cualesquiera paquetes de datos, y por tanto, la formulación del principio de replicación por supresión de interacciones. 

Toda estructura de paquetes de datos procedente del universo, puede replicarse a escala cuántica desde un punto B a un punto C, partiendo de un patrón de estructura de datos A, que denominamos matriz originaria.

De esta forma, tendríamos el siguiente esquema:

De esta forma tenemos que las energías de interacción por supresión generan curvatura K-G (ver diagrama de curvaturas König-Guerrero, tendríamos que:

Podemos generar aperturas energéticas que curvan el espacio-tiempo, utilizando el paradigma de la energía-masa. Dicho de forma coloquial: Podemos replicar de forma ilimitada, paquetes de energía partiendo de un punto «0»

Podemos replicar paquetes de energía desde un punto "0"

3.-Analizando las aplicaciones técnicas:

La lógica del motor de energía del punto «0».

Como puede verse, pueden replicarse, «clonarse» paquetes de energía, desde el punto «0», siguiendo la lógica arriba expuesta.

Los siguientes diagramas, muestran la mayor eficiencia en la gestion energética del punto «0».

Tal y como demuestran  T.Bearden y K.Moore en  System Efficiency (ε) and Coefficient of Performance (COP) of Symmetric and Asymmetric Maxwellian Systems



4.-Demostración de viabilidad de las tecnologías TESLA:

Tal y como señala Tom Bearden, reproducimos el texto íntegro de la carta:

MEG Aharonov-Bohm Effect, Watergas, Negative Energy, Negative Probabilities, Precursor Engineering, Extending the Scientific Method, and EM Limitations

Tom Bearden

7 April 2008

Dear (Correspondent),

I very much appreciate your kindness in sending me the information, and the new work with polarized daylight is very significant indeed!

One of these days I hope to get Prof. Michael Berry to take a look at how we use the Aharonov-Bohm effect in our patented Motionless Electromagnetic Generator (MEG). We are able to use the Aharonov-Bohm effect to first energize the surrounding vacuum outside the transformer core with curl-free A-potential, then perturb the core normally so as to send out A-field perturbations into that energized external vacuum (into its A-potential). From the perturbed local A-field vacuum the MEG receives back (from all directions) excess E-field energy pulses by the simple equation dA/dt = – E. The result is that the local altered vacuum – when subsequently perturbed – then sends back free E-field energy to our unit as an extra, free energy input from the active vacuum environment. By insuring some coherence in the received E-field signals, we also insure that the return excess energy input is usable EM energy from the altered local vacuum/spacetime. On my website, http://www.cheniere.org, there is a set of drawings of how the AB process in the MEG actually works, so that one can see it visually. See http://www.cheniere.org/techpapers/On%20the%20Aharonov-Bohm%20Effect1.doc .

As you know, force fields exist only in matter, since mass is a component of force by the simple equation F = d/dt(mv). Placing m = 0 in that equation shows that in massless space, “force” does not exist. So instead of EM force fields in massless space, instead there exist precursor “conditions of spacetime” as pointed out by Nobelist Feynman. What we call “EM force”, then, rigorously is the ongoing interaction of that “precursor field” with charged matter q.

As the great John Wheeler points out, “Space acts on matter, telling it how to move. In turn, matter reacts back on space, telling it how to curve.”  [Wheeler’s principle, as stated in W. Misner, K.S. Thorne, and J.A. Wheeler, Gravitation, W.H. Freeman and Co., San Francisco, 1973, p. 5].

Wheeler also pointed out the dominance of the interacting spacetime with matter and effects in matter. Quoting: “…elementary particles represent a percentage-wise almost completely negligible change in the locally violent conditions that characterize the vacuum…In other words, elementary particles do not form a really basic starting point for the description of nature. Instead, they represent a first-order correction to vacuum physics.”

So the Aharonov-Bohm effect (together with many others) shows that it is possible to directly condition or change (or “engineer”) the local spacetime itself, and then use it to affect the physical system embedded in that altered local spacetime.

What we call “force” is the ongoing interaction of the “condition of spacetime itself” with matter.

The bottom line is that (1) the vacuum/spacetime can first be preconditioned locally (precursive engineering), without using force or work (which is translation of force), and (2) then the altered and energized vacuum/spacetime can be stimulated to provide excess EM energy freely back to the system. The system then has TWO energy inputs: (1) the one we pay to make, and (2) the one the surrounding activated vacuum gives us for free. So, like a windmill in a free EM energy wind, our unit can exhibit COP>1.0, even though its energy efficiency is always less than 100%.

We are presently awaiting funding for our MEG (there are five inventors) and when we receive that funding we will then strongly move to put legitimate COP>1.0 electrical power generating systems on the market. That will require about a year and a half of very intense final research and development to better and automatically control the coherence of the return signals, etc.  I’m very much hoping I live to see the MEG on the market and being used worldwide.

And as you know, once one has COP of 3.0 or so, then with clamped positive feedback of part of the output, one can produce an “asymmetric” system which is “self-powered” (more correctly, with all its input energy freely received from the locally excited and interacting vacuum).

So “energy from the vacuum” is no more eerie than a common windmill or solar power cell array. Given the necessary input energy from the active surrounding environment, the system is legitimately permitted to function as an analogue to a common heat pump – which has an efficiency of only about 50%, but which normally has a COP = 3.0 to 4.0. In short, the heat pump wastes half of all its input energy from whatever source, but it receives so much excess energy from its activated environment that it can still output more heat energy than the electrical energy the operator himself pays to input. No violation of thermodynamics or of physics is involved. Instead, there is involved just a way to directly and freely alter the local environment so it is energized, and then to trigger it into sending free energy into one’s system to be collected and power the loads.

Note that such asymmetrical overunity electrical systems are specifically excluded from the normal electrical engineering model. The Heaviside equations were deliberately symmetrized in 1892 by Lorentz, at the instigation of J. P. Morgan, just prior to the formation of modern electrical engineering. It was done specifically to remove the asymmetrical “energy from the active vacuum” systems that Nikola Tesla had discovered. Tesla had labeled them as “energy from the active medium” systems. Tesla had just destroyed the dream of Morgan and Edison for their great DC power empire (a DC power plant every two miles in cities and built-up areas) by putting in practical AC generators at Niagara Falls. Since AC could be transmitted fairly efficiently for long distances and DC could not, then with AC power one did not require most of those expensive DC power plants. So the world adopted AC power stations and transmission. With that blow to his dreams of empire, the ruthless Morgan was immediately determined to destroy Tesla utterly and his backer Westinghouse also. And he thoroughly accomplished both goals.

Here is just one statement by Tesla of what he intended to do. Quoting:

«Ere many generations pass, our machinery will be driven by a power obtainable at any point in the universe. This idea is not novel… We find it in the delightful myth of Antheus, who derives power from the earth; we find it among the subtle speculations of one of your splendid mathematicians…Throughout space there is energy. Is this energy static or kinetic? If static our hopes are in vain; if kinetic – and this we know it is, for certain – then it is a mere question of time when men will succeed in attaching their machinery to the very wheelwork of nature.» [Nikola Tesla, in a speech in New York to the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, 1891. Quoted from back cover of his biography, Margaret Cheney, Tesla: Man Out of Time].

During an address in 1897 Tesla stated:

     “We have to evolve means for obtaining energy from stores which are forever inexhaustible, to perfect methods which do not imply consumption and waste of any material whatever. I now feel sure that the realization of that idea is not far off. …the possibilities of the development I refer to, namely, that of the operation of engines on any point of the earth by the energy of the medium…” [Nikola Tesla, during an address in 1897 commemorating his installation of generators at Niagara Falls.].

Sadly, my personal physical condition is so bad I cannot travel (33 years of biological warfare modified mycoplasma poisoning, that my own Government folks made secretly back in the late 50s in a joint program with Canada, and then sprayed it (in Florida and several places in Canada) for testing its dispersion. Its strength was reduced by 2000 times, which was supposed to make it “safe” – about like being “just a little bit pregnant”. The spraying passed it into the mosquito population as carriers and thus unleashed this new and terrible malady.

I caught that crazy mess in 1968 while stationed in Canada at Camp Valcartier as the U.S. Liaison officer to the Canadian Armament Research & Development Team. With that awful stuff buried inside my red blood cells, the hemoglobin hardened and one’s blood could simply not take on and transport sufficient oxygen. I was hospitalized three times in Canada and almost died. Tests back then revealed nothing. So No one knew what I had for 33 years, while it slowly damaged everything in my body. I lived thanks to a very crazy procedure that the French doctors in Quebec performed, which – we know today – placed the organisms into a sort of prolonged hibernation. They resurged in my body in 2001, again almost killing me and giving me a heart attack. By sheer coincidence, my family doctor (as a young doctor) had treated some of the Army sergeants on that program, and found out about the crazy BW-modified mycoplasma and the unique test to identify the organism. He had the test in his own lab, and gave it to me – and it proved that indeed I had the BW-modified mycoplasma in my red blood cells.

So finally my bizarre ailment was positively identified by direct and decisive test at the end of  2001 after my heart attack. Then I spent 2002 as my “year on antibiotics” to get the crazy mycoplasma organisms when they came out of the red blood cells as a host cell was dying after its normal lifespan of three or four months. We got rid of the mycoplasma at long last, but everything inside me – brain, nervous system, organs, blood vessels, muscle system, skeletal system and joints –was damaged irretrievably by the 33 years of steady damage.

So I can stand about two minutes, walk about 100 feet, but cannot travel. But thankfully I can drive locally and care for my beloved wife after her stroke followed by two heart attacks.

Anyway, thank you very much for the information; Prof. Michael Berry is one of my scientific heroes and I would dearly like to hear him in person at that conference!

I previously sent a write-up back to IOP, which may be of some interest to you. It opens up a vast new area of science by extending the present scientific method itself. Please note that negative energy was arbitrarily removed from quantum field theory and from the Dirac electron theory by artifice in order not to have to face the awesome implications of “negative probabilities” mathematically. By adding back the negative energy (e.g., as per the important and brilliant work of Prof. Dan Solomon) into quantum field theory and Dirac electron theory, then one suddenly is able to directly engineer the precursor spacetime/vacuum flux itself, before it interacts with matter to form forces and force fields. 

By engineering and using negative energy from the vacuum, one is also directly engineering “negative probabilities”, and that is a dramatic extension to the present scientific method. One can directly change (and even “dissolve”) any “positive observed state or condition in matter or material systems” (which “observed state” is just a state with 100 percent positive probability when one considers the underlying spacetime and vacuum processes with positive energy only). By adding negative probabilities, one reduces the 100% positive probability (the observed state or condition) to less than 100%. With sufficient negative probability added to the ongoing vacuum/charge interactions, the net probability of the observed H-O-H state can be reduced to zero – its total absence.

So with a little judicially used negative energy stimulated in water, one can cause the water’s observed water molecule’s H-O-H force bonds to just fall apart and disappear (in their ongoing interaction with the locally now-altered negative energy vacuum and its negative probabilities). In that way, one gets H2 and O2 gas nearly freely, paying only a little switching and control costs to condition the vacuum properly (the vacuum conditioning itself is force-free and work-free). With precursor engineering and negative energy/negative probabilities, one does not have to pay for tearing the H-O-H bonds apart by brute force, as is done in normal positive energy/positive probabilities electrolysis.

Applied to cancer, e.g., one also can reverse the cancerous physical condition (such as that cancer in the human body) as already shown by Professor Kanzius, with validation in animal experiments already performed successfully. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Kanzius.

If Professor Kanzius can avoid suppression by the big pharmaceuticals, then with follow-on successful human trials and FDA approval, we will also finally have a totally different kind of “positive cure” for cancer. And in theory, the use of negative energy and negative probabilities method can be adapted to cure any other illness or undesirable physical condition as well – including such conditions as HIV, diabetes, etc. – and eventually even mental retardation and reversal of aging.

Meanwhile, I’ve worked with several inventors who used (and are using) negative energy to show that, by preconditioning the local vacuum prior to its interaction with charged matter in our EM systems, then true “excess energy freely from the vacuum” systems can be built and utilized. Producing sharp gradient pulses of normal EM energy across little regions of the vacuum will “pop out” some of those filler electrons from the Dirac Sea (that is actually the Lenz Law effect), leaving behind the emptied Dirac holes. These are negative mass-energy matter (negative mass energy electrons, not positrons!), and so one has produced a sort of “negative energy froth” in the local Dirac Sea. The Dirac holes are actually what is being sought as “dark matter” by our astrophysicists, and as source charges their associated concomitant negative energy EM fields are what is being sought as “dark energy”.

So the “dark matter” our astrophysicists are so desperately seeking is easily evoked on the lab bench and studied directly. Dark matter simply consists of Dirac holes, remaining after one has popped out their filler electrons with sharp gradient pulses, leaving behind the holes (again, they are negative mass-energy electrons, not positrons). So Dark Matter is actually an engineering of the local spacetime/vacuum itself; specifically, of the Dirac Sea. As source charges, these negative mass energy electrons (Dirac Sea Holes) emit negative energy photons, so that their “static fields” are actually negative energy EM fields. Of course thermodynamically they are also nonequilibrium steady state (NESS) systems as well, consisting of constant flow of real photons, whose energy has been extracted from the seething virtual state vacuum via the broken symmetry of the source dipolarities.

 I have one inventor friend (Bedini) who has used negative energy (dark energy) and Dirac holes (dark matter) in his highly improved battery charging circuits for 30 years. He is presently bringing such highly improved battery chargers into production and they will be going on the market. He also has released the secret of how he (very practically) evokes and controls such negative energy phenomenology, and now more than two dozen independent experimenters worldwide have successfully replicated Bedini COP>1.0 systems.

 Presently unknown to the scientific community, our own U.S. Department of Energy has quietly developed and used a fabrication (special extrusion) process to form asymmetric permanent magnets – e.g., physically symmetrical permanent bar magnets but with deliberately asymmetric field strengths laterally on the two sides of each magnet – and patented it as a result of a DoE grant to the inventor. Presently our DoE thus has been very quietly building and controlling true self-powering permanent magnet motors (taking all their input energy from the seething vacuum via the broken symmetry of the dipole in the asymmetry magnet), while continuing to hide it from the U.S. President, the Congress, the scientific community, and the American Public.

To see this, see the following patents:

     (a) Vijay K. Chandhok and Bao-min Ma. “Method for producing a noncircular permanent magnet”.  United States Patent No. 4,915,891, issued April. 10,1990.

     Abstract: A method for producing a noncircular magnet having asymmetric magnetic properties along axes thereof. A particle charge of composition from which the magnet is to be produced is placed in a container, heated and extruded within the container to compact the particle charge to substantially full density. The particle charge may include at least one rare earth element. The particle charge may be extruded through a noncircular extrusion die, specifically a rectangular die.

     (b) For the way the Department of Energy paid to develop having it done, and had one of the inventors repatent it, see Vijak K. Chadhok, WO/2001/084569 A1 “Method for Producing through Extrusion an Anisotropic Magnet with High Energy Product”, International Patent, 9 Mar. 2001. Quoting: “This invention was made with government support under a small business research and development grant for «A Simple Process to Manufacture Grain Aligned Permanent Magnets» awarded by the U. S. Department of Energy (Grant No. DE-FG02-97-ER82313). The Government has certain rights to this invention.”

     (c) Chadhok then got yet another patent himself in 2004. See Vijak K. Chadhok, “Method for producing through extrusion an anisotropic magnet with high energy product”, U.S. Patent No. 6,787,083 issued on Sep. 7, 2004.

     Abstract: A method for producing an anisotropic magnet with high energy product through extrusion and, more specifically, by placing a particle charge of a composition from the which magnet is to be produced in a noncircular container, heating the container and particle charge and extruding the container and particle charge through a noncircular extrusion die in such a manner that one of the cross-sectional axes or dimension of the container and particle charge is held substantially constant during the extrusion to compact the particle charge to substantially full density by mechanical deformation produced during the extrusion to achieve a magnet with anisotropic magnetic properties along the axes or dimension thereof and, more specifically, a high energy product along the transverse of the smallest cross-sectional dimension of the extruded magnet.

 So the U.S. Department has had powerful self-powering permanent magnet motors since 2001 and has hidden it from the U.S. President, the Congress, the scientific community, and the American public. 

 As you are aware and as was pointed out by Nobelist Lee, whenever we have a broken symmetry then something previously virtual has become observable. Every charge is a priori a part of a dipole, when one also considers its polarized surrounding vacuum. The “magnetic pole” is actually the “magnetic charge”.  In modern physics, a tiny classical charge is actually two infinite charges – the bare charge in the middle (infinite charge with infinite energy) and the surrounding charge of the altered vacuum (infinite charge with infinite energy). Our instruments peering through the screening polarized vacuum at the bare charge in the middle see only a finite difference, and that is the “classical” finite value of the charge.

 It is easy to evoke a proven “free EM energy flow – a real and free EM energy wind” from the vacuum, whenever one wishes, for a small sum (such as $10 U.S.). E.g., lay a normal permanent bar magnet on the bench. Lay an electret on top of it so that the E-field of the electret is at right angles to the H-field of the magnet. Then by the standard Poynting EM energy flow theory in every EM text in the EM departments of every university, that silly gadget will then sit there and freely pour out real, usable Poynting EM energy flow S, given by S = E X H.

 So getting an everlasting free EM energy wind from our vacuum/spacetime environment is simple and cheap and easy.

 But to separately intercept, collect, and (separately) dissipate some of that “free EM energy wind” energy to power our loads freely, it requires an asymmetrical “electrical windmill” system. Well, sadly our EEs have never had such a system even in their theory; all remaining asymmetrical Maxwellian systems in the original Heaviside vector equations were deliberately removed by Lorentz by his symmetrization of the Heaviside equations. So from the very beginning, our electrical engineers have never been able to conceive, design, build, and deploy such asymmetrical systems.

 And the present standard EE model is not Maxwell’s theory! Maxwell’s theory is 20 quaternion-like equations in 20 unknowns, and it contains all sorts of asymmetric EM systems as well as those highly limited symmetrical systems known to electrical engineering. Tesla, e.g., was able to deliberately shuttle the collected potential energy around in a circuit at will, and this has been clearly shown by a great electrodynamicist, T. Barrett, one of the pioneers of ultrawideband radar. See T. W. Barrett, «Tesla’s Nonlinear Oscillator-Shuttle-Circuit (OSC) Theory,» Annales de la Fondation Louis de Broglie, 16(1), 1991, p. 23-41. Barrett shows that EM expressed in quaternions allows shuttling and storage of potentials in circuits, and also allows additional EM functioning of a circuit that a conventional EM analysis cannot reveal. He shows that Tesla’s patented circuits did exactly this. Tesla – who was originally trained in physics, before “electrical engineering” even existed, was thus able to operate in Maxwell’s original higher group symmetry theory, and not just in the silly and horribly flawed old classical EM model of today.

 Barrett was so impressed by this capability of Tesla that he, Barrett, extended the methodology a bit and obtained two patents. They are:

 Terrence W. Barrett, «Active Signalling Systems,» U.S. Patent No. 5,486,833, Jan. 23, 1996. A signaling system in time-frequency space for detecting targets in the presence of clutter and for penetrating media. 14 U.S. patents cited. 22 claims, 37 drawing sheets.

Terence W. Barrett, «Oscillator-Shuttle-Circuit (OSC) Networks for Conditioning Energy in Higher-Order Symmetry Algebraic Topological Forms and RF Phase Conjugation,» U.S. Patent No. 5,493,691. Feb. 20, 1996.

With the development of precursor engineering, then all of this portends a great new and dramatic leap forward in physics, whenever more legitimate scientists pick it up (such as Kanzius, Solomon, etc.). As one pale example, I enclose a draft paper which sets out a sort of “Manhattan Project” which could be performed by the scientific community to very quickly solve the escalating world energy crisis – quickly, cleanly, and permanently. And also solve much of the global warming problem at the same time, by eliminating most of the harmful emissions connected with automobiles, power plants, etc. Please particularly note the seventh program – precursor engineering. Precursor engineering is the deliberate and direct engineering (force-free and work-free) of local spacetime/vacuum itself before the altered vacuum is then interacted with matter to form force fields (force is rigorously the ongoing interaction with charged matter of such a precursor field (massless, force-free) in spacetime/vacuum.

 Finally, we point out that general relativity actually involves extensive precursor engineering of the active spacetime/vacuum. This means that, in general relativity, the conventional positive energy (and positive probabilities) conservation of energy, momentum, etc. laws can be (and are) violated easily and readily. While many physicists strongly resist even the thought of this, it was pointed out very quickly by the great Hilbert, after Einstein’s publication of general relativity.

 Quoting Hilbert: «I assert… that for the general theory of relativity, i.e., in the case of general invariance of the Hamiltonian function, energy equations… corresponding to the energy equations in orthogonally invariant theories do not exist at all. I could even take this circumstance as the characteristic feature of the general theory of relativity.» [D. Hilbert, Gottingen Nachrichten, Vol. 4, 1917, p. 21.].

 Quoting Logunov and Loskutov: «In formulating the equivalence principle, Einstein actually abandoned the idea of the gravitational field as a Faraday-Maxwell field, and this is reflected in the pseudotensorial characterization of the gravitational field that he introduced. Hilbert was the first to draw attention to the consequences of this. … Unfortunately, … Hilbert was evidently not understood by his contemporaries, since neither Einstein himself nor other physicists recognized the fact that in general relativity conservation laws for energy, momentum, and angular momentum are in principle impossible.» [A. A. Logunov and Yu. M. Loskutov, «Nonuniqueness of the predictions of the general theory of relativity,» Sov. J. Part. Nucl., 18(3), May-June 1987, p. 179].

 But a high caliber modern physicist will be aware of this very odd fact. E.g., quoting Sir Roger Penrose: “We seem to have lost those most crucial conservation laws of physics, the laws of conservation of energy and momentum!” [Penrose then adds the Killing symmetry arbitrarily, to get conservation again, when the Killing vector applies and gravity is separated.]. “These conservation laws hold only in a spacetime for which there is the appropriate symmetry, given by the Killing vector ĸ…. [These considerations] do not really help us in understanding what the fate of the conservation laws will be when gravity itself becomes an active player. We still have not regained our missing conservation laws of energy and momentum, when gravity enters the picture. … This awkward-seeming fact has, since the early days of general relativity, evoked some of the strongest objections to that theory, and reasons for unease with it, as expressed by numerous physicists over the years. … in fact Einstein’s theory takes account of energy-momentum conservation in a rather sophisticated way – at least in those circumstances where such a conservation law is most needed. …Whatever energy there is in the gravitational field itself is to be excluded from having any representation…” [Roger Penrose, The Road to Reality, Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 2005, p. 457-458.]

     Comment: This “solution” accepted by many general relativists as pointed out by Penrose, is to just arbitrarily toss out the gravity and gravitational energy density of spacetime in a given troublesome case, and the problem of nonconservation of energy and momentum then vanishes. In short, separate the spacetime itself from the fields, and there is no problem! However, simply avoiding the problem itself is not solving the problem! Considering the neglected and unaccounted giant Heaviside energy flow always accompanying every Poynting EM energy flow, the gravity effect is always at least of importance, and this “solution” itself is in general nearly always untenable. Ver documento completo: MEG Aharonov-Bohm Effect, Watergas, Negative Energy, Negative Probabilities, Precursor Engineering, Extending the Scientific Method, and EM Limitations

III. Conclusión:

Dado el gran volúmen de datos, documentación científica analizada y estudios complementarios, bibliografía, etc…podemos afirmar, que estamos en condiciones de producir dispositivos de energía libre viablles y eficientes, que en este momento, están siendo desarrollados por diferentes equipos distribuídos a lo largo de toda la geografía mundial.

Referencias científicas recomendadas:

  • 2008 Technical Summary for Assoc. of Distinguished American

    20 April, 2009
  • MEG Aharonov-Bohm Effect, Watergas, Negative Energy, Negative Probabilities, Precursor Engineering, Extending the Scientific Method, and EM Limitations
    7 April, 2008
  • Note on the Bedini Battery Charging System now in production
    19 February, 2008
  • A Possible Approach to a Permanent Magnet Self-Powering Motor
    1 July, 2007
  • General Relativistic Violation of the Conservation of Energy Law
    Feb. 18, 2007
  • Engineering the Active Vacuum: On the Asymmetrical Aharonov-Bohm Effect and Magnetic Vector Potential A vs. Magnetic Field B:
    May 2006 
  • Electromagnetic Energy from the Vacuum: System Efficiency and COP of Symmetric and Asymmetric Maxwellian Systems
    April 2006 
  • Increasing the Coefficient of Performance of Electromagnetic Power Systems by Extracting and Using Excess EM Energy from the Heaviside Energy Flow Component
    October 25, 2005 
  • Errors and Omissions in the CEM/ EE Model
    June 27, 2005
  • CTEC Inc. 1996  report on testing one of Howard Johnson’s magnetic gates
    Posted 20 June, 2005
    19 August, 2004
  • Precursor Engineering: Directly Altering Physical Reality
    February, 2004
  • Source Charge, Van Flandern Waterfall, and Leyton Geometry
    Dec. 2, 2003
  • Proof of a Mechanism for Cold Fusion
    23 April, 2003
  • Self-Powering Heat Amplifier as the Mechanism for the Final Catastrophic Destruction of the Shuttle Columbia
    23 March, 2003
  • The Importance of Leyton’s Hierarchies of Symmetry
    26 February, 2003
  • Patent Application (December 2001):
    Method, System and Apparatus for Conditioning Electromagnetic Potentials, Fields, and Waves to Treat and Alter Matter

    Bedini’s Discovery: Extending The Porthole Concept and the Waddington Valley Cell Lineage Concept (With Proposed Reason Why Present Cloning Is So Inefficient)
    November 30, 2002
  • Novel Principles In The Rife Microscope And Rife’s Great Secret
    Updated 10 December, 2003

  • On the Principles of Permissible Overunity EM Power Systems
    Updated 3 August, 2001over 550 definitions and 178 pages!

    includes discussion of possible mechanism for spontaneous human combustion. 


  • Engines and Templates: Correcting Effects Confused as Causes 

  • Annotated Glossary including Math and Single Character Abbreviations
  • Mechanisms for Deep Penetration of Environmental Dense Weak EM Noise Interference Into the Body, and Long-Term Deleterious Effects Thereof 
  • EM Energy from the Vacuum: Ten Questions with Extended Answers
    September 2000
  • Vision 2000
    The New Science now emerging for the New
    August 2000
  • IC-2000 Paper
    On Extracting Electromagnetic Energy from the Vacuum

  • Extracting and Using Electromagnetic Energy from the Active Vacuum
  • Dark Matter or Dark Energy 

  • Bedini’s Method for Forming Negative Resistors in Batteries
  • The Unnecessary Energy Crisis: How to Solve it Quickly
    June 12, 2000
  • Giant Negentropy from the Common Dipole
    June 6, 2000
  • On Extracting Electromagnetic Energy from the Vacuum
  • StarViewerTeam Internacional 2010.

    3 respuestas a «Energías libres II. Dossier detallado sobre todos los desarrollos existentes. Estudios científicos desde 1880 a 2009.»

    1. FANTASTICO, ya era hora de empezar y liberar estas energías, para el bien de TODOS.

      Espero que su desarrollo no caiga en manos multinacionales y volvamos con las mismas.


    2. interesante estudio

      sin embargo la teoria de las cuerdas ha sido invalidada como asimismo las fuerzas de interaccion fuerte y debil

      El modelo supersimetrico ha sido abandonado hace ya muchos anos al no encontrar particulas supersimetricas para muchos objetos y al no aparecer el famoso boson de higgs

      gracias a la exposicion de haramein ,solo la teoria de campos unificados se basta para explicar el universo

      Esperemos ,no vaya a ser un sixto paz cientifico

      Uno se pregunta muchas veces si no quieren ahogar al pescado

      El problema es que como todos sabemos los pescados nadan

      Y el hombre piensa

      Me interesria encontrar personas amismo de poder analizar juntos este zocotroco

      HACE ANOS QUE SE DICE que los primeros motores a energia libre ya estan
      que alguien se los muestre a la gente
      que se divulguen

      Mas mentiras?

      el tiempo lo dira
      Resultados ,eso es lo que el mundo pîde a gritos
      Donde esta el video con los motores a energia libre creados ?
      Porque no se liberan sus pâtentes como bien de la humanidad?
      porque se empecinan en seguir colaborando en la destruccion del planeta?
      Responder a estas preguntas
      es haber escogido su campo

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